We are very pleased to announce that the upcoming 12th RAD conference will feature High Intensity Laser-Plasma Particle Sources and Applications session(s) with the following topics:

  • 1. Laser Wakefield Accelerators
  • 2. Plasma Wakefield Accelerators
  • 3. Ionizing Radiation Generation from Laser-Plasma Interaction
  • 4. Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration
  • 5. Laser-Matter Interaction Theory and Simulation
  • 6. Applications of laser-driven particle beams in the medical, energy, cultural heritage, and environmental fields.

You can select this special session when you enter your abstract.

Please write to us for any additional information:
G.A. Pablo Cirrone: pablo.cirrone@lns.infn.it
Daniele Margarone: Daniele.Margarone@eli-beams.eu

Best regards,
Dr. G.A. Pablo Cirrone, Special Session Co-Chair
Dr. Daniele Margarone, Special Session Co-Chair